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Charlie Cornell
Nacido enUnited States
68 years
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Karla posts Billy Letter

Billy Henkel wrote this to my family and I had to share is such a tribute to my dad and brings forth the impact he had without us even being fully aware.  THANK YOU Bill for writing this...By the way, WILLIAM... the reason the dadd left your socks that way was that it was the least you boys could have done to shake the sand out of your socks before throwing them in the hamper.  He was doing it in hopes you would tire of crumpled sandy socks.  But, alas, you never did.  :o)


your father was a great man to me. ive learned much from he and your whole family. i regret i cant be there. :( i dont know where to start so i think ill ramble for a while. my sweet 16 was the best of all my b days, i never recieved more gifts or love from newly found friends. i learned from your father men are not impartial to house work. i do laundry, cleaning, dishes, and most cooking. i always put the lid off canned goods back in the can and squeeze it in there so no one gets cut. by the way who got cut? he told me why the lid went in there but never told me who got cut. im breaking the laundry rule, he didnt turn our socks right side out, we got them back half sandy. and still turned in. im turning them out right. the first piece of red meat i was ever allowed to eat was dads london broil, if anyone of you have a recipe by dad please send it to me.i have a fifteen year old son now. when we disagree i try to forget the disagreement within minutes and move on. this is something both of your parents taught me. i am sincerly hurting with the loss of your father.... to sherry thank you for giving me help and hope when i needed it. not to mention the love and tough love. to tomm you will always be my brother! thank you for all the good times. all the new people you introduced me to when i was a stranger in a stange place; to me. you made me feel comfortable. i cant think of one time when we fought. to karla i never leave a family member without a GOODBYE or an I LOVE YOU. i learned this from you! we both know that you may not get the chance to later. you have all had a profound impact on my life. im sharing the knowledge and kindness you all have shown to me, with the ones i love. i wish there were more i could do. i want to be there and hold all of you in my arms. love and sincerity your friends and family the henkels. post script congrats on the baby karla and jay best of health to all of you! ppss to papa cornell youve made me a better man in the short time we knew each other. ill miss you and never forget you. billy

Starlet Picone

My memories of Charlie will always make me smile inside, will remind me of the power of gentleness and to remember that less is more. Maybe he didn't realize it, but he was the kind of man that men should aspire to be. Strong, yet gentle; intelligent without ever being pompous or pretentious, funny from out of the blue, without needing the whole room's attention; and wise without a shred of judgement on those who hadn't yet achieved the same level. He spoke when he had something to truly say, not just to fill the air with nonsense. So you knew that what you were getting from him was real, direct, and from his heart. What isn't there to miss in a man such as this? My husband and I adored him and I hope with all my heart that he knew. The total comfort is knowing that he is FREE from pain, free from the ailments that hindered him, and that he hasn't 'died' - just changed location and will be waiting to greet his loved ones someday, with his genuine warmth & OUT OF THIS WORLD smile.... Here's the biggest hug to you Charlie, (O) with gratitude and love! 

Margaret Mary "Mickey" Finn

Charlie and I grew up next door to each other in Whitestone, NY.  When my family moved into our house, it was shortly after Charlie's mom had passed.  So, it seemed natural that Charlie "hung out" in our house after school and visited with us kids and my Mom, Mary Finn.  The two families bonded and Charlie's dad, Dick, helped my dad, Mike, with repairs and fix ups.


  The Cornell yard was a magnificent showplace for Dick's roses and even though I was only 10 years old, I remember vividly the 50th wedding anniversary of Charlie's grandparents in that beautiful setting.


 My first trip to an ocean beach was with Mary Cornell and Charlie.  When Charlie was a teen he loved singer, Teresa Brewer and he would blast the stereo sysem.   My younger sister, Pat, and I would look at each and laugh because we knew the neighbor on the other side would be having a canary.  Then we would run over to Charlie's and sing "the Tennessee Waltz" as loud as we could.  Good times!    

Charlie was like another brother to us. We loved him and the man he grew up to be when we visited in Cheyenne and later he and Sheri came to NY.  He was so proud of Sheri and his family.   We will miss him!    

billy henkel
My fondest memory of Charlie is at the cocoa bch theater. He was in the play and tomm did the lighting. It was my first theater experience. mom cornell karla and i sat in the audience. i believe it was "one flew over the kookoo's nest"??? now my favorite show is The praries home companion from lake woebegone on npr radio. thank you for expanding my mind. fond memories  billy henkel
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