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Charlie Cornell
Born in United States
68 years
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The Begin Family
Just laughing at seemingly endless funny stories. Also a thinker who cared so much about life, people and the deeper things. Thanks again for sharing with us.
Mary Cornell

When we were little, my parents took Charlie with us on vacations sometimes and we had a great time. My Father Harold had a good sense of humor and he was very fond of Charlie who always seemed to have a plan to “liven” things up a bit. One summer in Maine, Charlie spent most of his time teasing my Father about his dislike of the water. If my Father sat on the dock to watch us swim, Charlie would splash him and say “Come on in Uncle Harold the water’s fine.” Every day the same thing.

 Eventually my Father decided to teach Charlie a lesson. He dressed in old clothes, old shoes and an old hat to come down and watch us in the water. As soon as he arrived, Charlie started to tease him over and over, laughing like crazy. My Father stood up, jumped into the water fully clothed and dunked Charlie on the spot. You never saw such a surprised young man in your life.


Some fun facts and memories:


~ When Charlie was a young man, his cousin Mary’s mom “Aunt Toots” made him laugh so hard that he spit his beer on her.


~ When Charlie was single and working for Eastern Airlines, he would sometimes pay five dollars to fly roundtrip from New York to Miami just to eat a few meals. This implies that the airline food was worth the time and money. 


~ When Charlie & Sherry were ‘dating’ he was back East and she was in Wyoming. They would send cards to one another. One day Sherry thought she had received her card back in the mail. But when she opened it, she realized that Charlie had purchased the same card she had sent him and they had sent it to one another at the same time.


~ Charlie used to take Tomm & Karla fishing, kite flying and ice skating on a real frozen lake…Lake Minnehaha. Great name!


~ Charlie & Sherry would sing to Phantom of the Opera at the top of their lungs when on road trips.


~ In 1996, with Tomm standing next to Charlie and a video camera rolling, “the dadd” told of Tomm’s potty training days. One day, about half way through the training, while dadd was walking by the bath room, he notices some thing peculiar: he sees Tomm pulling his diaper down and dumping the contents into the toilet, which is how he had been teaching Tomm “where the poop goes”.


~ Charlie & Karla would sing ABBA songs as well as act them out while riding in the car no matter how long the journey.  And the Dadd was always game to sing songs onto peoples answering machines.


~ When Tomm was very ill due to his Kidney failure in 2006, Charlie would try to rouse him out of bed by singing Henry the 8th or 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.


~ When Charlie would laugh a little too hard he usually snurked.



He was a very happy man and liked to bring smiles to others.
Even in his painful last 9 months, he would joke and try to make others more comfortable.  We are thankful you are free of pain now dad.  Though we miss you so...even down to our last conversation, you told us to smile.  And we are at every rememberance of you.
Bill and Alice Karl

A poem Bill and Alice  Karl thought Charlie would write


When I get where I'm going

When I get where I'm going

On the far side of the sky

The first thing that I'm gonna do

Is spread my wings and fly


I'm gonna land beside a lion

and run my fingers through his mane

Or I might find out what it's like

To ride a drop of rain


Yeah when I get where I'm going

There'll be only happy tears

I will shed the sins and struggles

I have carried all these years

And I'll leave my heart wide open

I will love and have no fear

Yeah, when I get where I'm going

Don't cry for me down there


I'm gonna walk with my mom and dad & sisters

And they will match me step for step

And I'll tell how much I  missed them

Every minute since they left

Then I'll hug their neck


But, when I get where I'm going

And see my maker's face

I'll stand forever in the light

Of his amazing grace


Yeah, when I get where I'm going

There'll be only happy tears


Love  you !!!! Charlie, your loving husband,Dad and Grandpa, Brother,Uncle, & Friend


Charlie was my cousin Mary Cornell's cousin.  He was often at their house, and Mary's mother, my Aunt Toots, loved him like crazy.  When I was just a teenager, Charlie was so exciting.  He had a car with "passing gear" and he called from France to say that he had no food in the house and took a flight just to have lunch!  I thought he was just the coolest person I'd ever met.  Throughout the years since then, I've been kept up-to-date through Mary.  I know that Charlie had the world's greatest sense of humor and that he enjoyed life to the full.  He was a lucky man in many ways, and his family and friends were even luckier to have him.

Total Memories: 9
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