Charlie Cornell - Online Memorial Website

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Charlie Cornell
Born in United States
68 years
Merry Christmas
I miss you Daddie. Our Christmas days were always so special. Love and hugs. Always your lil girl.
to: Charlie Cornell
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Donna MacTavish A Gentle Man July 28, 2007

Kind, Considerate, Caring,  Thoughtful, words synonymous with a Gentle Man, words that discribe Charlie Cornell.  A true friend who I will miss.  PEACE to you Charlie.

DonnaMac aka Paul32

Anne Curran Charlie July 28, 2007
Dear Karla and family: The Charlie I knew, your father, was a warm, caring, loving and gentle man. He had a big heart ready to help anyone and everyone. He had a wonderful life with his loving wife, Sherry, and with you and your brother, Tomm.  A family whom he adored and who adored him back. I know God has a beautiful spot picked out in heaven for this wonderful man. I know he is resting in the peace of God. We will miss his smile and his contagious laugh. With much love, Anne Curran.
Jeanne Cornell-Wilton A special man July 18, 2007
Sherry, Karla, Tomm, Anita and family,
It was the saddest news to hear of Charlie's passing, but his job down here was done and he did it well.   Charlie was my happy cousin who  touched many lives over the years in nothing but a good way. 
 He always tried to keep in touch - even phoned one day (out of blue) when we lived in Atlanta.  It was a long and great phone call.   He made it  to our family reunion in 1993 and we had a fabulous time.
He wrote in my 8th grade autograph book - "In moments when we are far apart, whisper my name to the Sacred Heart..."  I know  they are together today.
He will be sadly missed, but has left a legacy of love to those who were fortunate enough to know him.  He was special and we loved him.
Gwen & Sanford Sr Thank you. July 17, 2007

Sherry, Tomm, Kymm, Karla and Jay....Thanks for sharing Charlie with us.  We miss him so.  We especially cherish the times we spent with him this past year.  We were very encouraged with the state of his soul and grateful that he is finally at peace.

We love you all very much!  Proverbs 3:5-7

Eileen RYAN Seeley School Friend July 16, 2007

Dear Cornell Family,


So sorry to hear of Charlie's passing. I rember the good times we had walking around Whitestone with Michael Thackaberry, my High School beau.  I remember Charlie as handsomm smart, and lots of fun.  We are almost twins, I was born on March 27, 1939.


A wonderful tribute to an endearing person.  I graduated from St. Lukes in 1952, and am still in touch with some of Charlies class members, Michael, Anne Schuck, and Patsy Battles.


Again my sincere sympathy.


Eileen Ryan Seeley,

Daugther of Joe Ryan, Parkway Inn


PS  As you probably know Michael Thackaberry is very ill.


The Begin Family So sorry to hear July 16, 2007

Thanks for letting us know. We are so sad to hear. Charlie will be missed. We loved staying up until all hours of the night talking with him and Sherrie and also laughing like crazy. He was so full of life even though he was not always feeling so well. Thanks for sharing a small part of your lives with us.


The Begin Family


Vince and Veronica Much love... July 13, 2007

Karla, Tomm, and families,

We are so sorry for your loss, but really happy at the same time.  We are happy that the Lord gave you such a great Dad.  We didn't know Charlie all that well, but whenever we saw him at church, he seemd happy.  But what we'll never forget is how intensely Karla (surely Tomm too!) loved her Daddy and how much that made us long to love our kids and be loved by them.  Thanks for that wonderful example, and please keep loving like that.  It truly brightens everything and everyone around you.

Love, prayers, and best wishes,

Vince and Veronica


Jami Friend and Admirer of the Cornells July 11, 2007

Karla, I am so very sorry for your loss and that I could not be there to offer support and love these last days. You always seem so strong to me, but I cannot help but believe that this is utterly shattering. I do hope to see you soon and give you a big hug. Jason, thank you for being an excellent husband to my dear friend. I take comfort knowing that you are upholding our little mom-to-be during this time.


Sherrie, Tomm, and Kym, you are also close in my thoughts. May you find the strength you need.


All my love,


Karen & Jeff Mann Condolences July 10, 2007

I always thought condolences went out to the family so here goes: Jason, you totally bring out the very best in folks as did Charlie - I see why he loved you so!  Karla - man!  What can we say to a person who gives a part of her body to help out another except this - you totally rock!  Tomm, you obviously rock or you would not be a drummer(!)  Hang in there because it just keeps getting better - we guarantee it!  Kym, remember that Tomm loves you and that everything is going to be ok.




You just lost a significant piece of your life that cannot be replaced.  That was Charlie..a most significant man if there ever was one.  He is still able to see and worry about you so...always remember to do him honor in your daily life and become productive once again!  People need and love you and we all want to see you carry on and resume being responsible to yourself and those around you.  Hang in there and know this...that I have no idea what I would do if I lost Karen now or in the remember to do Charlie honor by pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps!  These are some of the darkest times of your life BUT you will have more happiness if you keep trying.  Don't worry about being perfect...worry about the big picture..the rest will come about in due time.  Keep it together.  Keep your head up!  And thank you for keeping Charlie going like you did.

MaryAnn Mc Award(nee:Speranza) Thanks July 9, 2007
Just want to thank you, Charlie, for getting in touch with me out of the blue a few years ago, to touch base 50 years after we graduated from St. Luke's. You are now with the Lord so please pray for us until we join you.
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